Danesha graduated from The University of Memphis with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Research and Education. While in undergraduate studies, Danesha served as a peer advisor for incoming and transfer students within the Psychology Department of U of M. She then continued the need for peer support and began a teen girl's mentoring program at her high school Alma Mater labeled "Strength Matters."
While in graduate studies, Danesha served as a Mental Health and Substance Use Counselor Intern assisting dual diagnosis and addiction recovery. Danesha shortly later served as a Family Systems Counselor Intern providing counseling services to domestic violence victims, family witnesses and victimizers. She assisted abuse victimizers with society re-entry skills in transitioning from the jail/prison system to society. Danesha was trained and utilized Child Play Therapy with young adolescents at the Salvation Army Shelter located in Memphis. She used her Play Therapy skills to create a Mental Health program and provide psycho-education for teens who participated in the on campus summer camp labeled Dream Memphis at the Historical Black College, LeMoyne Owen College.
Amongst completed academic studies, Danesha served as the Lead Adolescent therapist at an Acute Hospitalization Program in Mississippi managing short-term, in-patient crisis clients. After moving to the state of Florida in 2019, she served as the Lead Adolescent therapist of a Behavioral Health Residential Treatment Facility serving as an all teen boys behavioral unit. In both job roles, she provided counseling to individuals with severe crisis, suicide ideations and attempts, mental diagnosis cormorbid with alcohol and substance use, extreme behavior management risks and family systems. Along with being the therapist in this role, as lead, she helped to manage the structure of the staff's unity and cohesion in relation to the teens as well as work with the psychiatrist, nurses, teachers and other staff members to build an individualized treatment plan for each client. She then served as a Traveling Therapist Independent Contractor for the Lee County Public School System providing therapy services to inner community children and families.
Danesha's gained leadership skills and values for individualized care has led to her new journey in private practice, initially beginning with Lifescape Counseling Services, LLC as an Independent Contractor and now as the owner of Dream Identity Counseling. Danesha believes that social change and community health stems from individual healing. In the height of 2020, as Covid-19 and social injustice took a rapid adjustment for attention and force of change, she was asked to guest speak and share the need for holistic wellness on platforms such as Kid's Minds Matters, My Autism Connects, MADD SWFL and Lifescape Counseling Services, LLC. The need for community wellness led to Danesha's venture of public speaking and business wellness consulting for health care workers and minority mental health advocacy.
During the peak of Covid, Danesha served as a therapist at Lifescape and was the agency's Video Content Creator of virtual content shared on social media to promote creative self-care skills during lockdown stages. Her weekly live virtual segments of Art-to-Heart provided the community with creative and artistic tools to release their stressors, thoughts and feelings through creative expression. The virtual segment became an in-person art therapy-technique group and is currently available in the SWFL area. Dream Identity Counseling now offers scholarship programs to teens and families through Art-to-Heart to promote more availability and access to mental health care.
Danesha continues to bridge the gap of Minority Mental Health needs for community resources and connection for systemic success and wellness.